These pictures are slightly dated, but they are so striking, I hope all readers will forgive me.
These are pictures that husband Don shot in southern California on March 24.
Don and friend Larry spent 4 days in southern California, including most of 2 days driving. Their primary destination was Carrizo National Monument west of Bakersfield. Carrizo is known for its stunning wildflower blooms and super blooms, which occur after good winter rains. This was not a great year for the rains or the blooms, so their day driving through the park yielded fun and some good pictures, but not a lot of colors. Here is a shot taken on the road up to Caliente Ridge.

There is some wildflower color here, but clearly, the barn is the center of attention. There is some beauty in this area even when the colors are limited. If you go there, Don and Larry suggest going in from the North, the road is better than the southern portion that has some serious wash-boarding going on, and could loosen screws in your car and fillings in your mouth!!
So where were the poppies? Larry knew of the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve east of Bakersfield, and here the photographers were rewarded. The scale of the poppy fields is hard to absorb, they go on for miles. The Reserve also has a live cam, so you can check out the cam to see when to go. And if you don’t take a camera, you will still be mesmerized by the breathtaking views.

We have California poppies blooming now in our area of Northern California in the sierra foothills, too. As well as beautiful blue lupines. Be sure to check out what wildflowers are blooming natively in your area.

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