Special passion for dahlias since childhood
Dahlias were my Mom’s favorite and she always grew dahlias in her flower beds. She brought flowers inside to enjoy and also enjoyed sharing the tubers with friends when they were divided. She always bought her dahlias at Swan Island dahlias in Canby Oregon, an hour away from our home. So I was introduced to dahlias and Swan Island as a kid. In those days Mom anxiously awaited the dahlia catalog and the fun of planning which ones to order on her limited budget. Some of the dahlia plants in my garden started as tubers in my Mom’s garden 20 years ago. And I continue to enjoy sharing tubers and young dahlia plants with gardening friends.
If you like dahlias, imagine 40 acres with over 360 varieties. That’s Swan Island Dahlias. If you’re in the northern Oregon area on Labor Day weekend or the weekend before, you must attend their annual festival for floral arranging demonstrations, food, refreshments, tuber dividing demonstration, and a stroll through 40 acres of stunning dahlias.

Special passion for dahlias since childhood
Dahlias were my Mom’s favorite and she always grew dahlias in her flower beds. She brought flowers inside to enjoy and also enjoyed sharing the tubers with friends when they were divided. She always bought her dahlias at Swan Island dahlias in Canby Oregon, an hour away from our home. So I was introduced to dahlias and Swan Island as a kid. In those days Mom anxiously awaited the dahlia catalog and the fun of planning which ones to order on her limited budget. Some of the dahlia plants in my garden started as tubers in my Mom’s garden 20 years ago. And I continue to enjoy sharing tubers and young dahlia plants with gardening friends.
If you like dahlias, imagine 40 acres with over 360 varieties. That’s Swan Island Dahlias. If you’re in the northern Oregon area on Labor Day weekend or the weekend before, you must attend their annual festival for floral arranging demonstrations, food, refreshments, tuber dividing demonstration, and a stroll through 40 acres of stunning dahlias.